We handle ethical breaches or misconduct within the legal profession

The Disciplinary Tribunal serves as the formal adjudicative body for serious ethical breaches and misconduct within the legal profession. Committed to maintaining the highest standards of practice, the Tribunal plays a critical role in upholding the integrity of the legal system in The Bahamas.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Disciplinary Tribunal is tasked with hearing and determining cases referred by the Ethics Committee. These cases typically involve allegations of professional misconduct that warrant more severe scrutiny and potential disciplinary action. The Tribunal ensures
that all proceedings are conducted fairly and that the rights of both complainants and attorneys are respected throughout the process.

Composition of the Tribunal

The Disciplinary Tribunal is composed of seasoned legal professionals, appointed by the Bahamas Bar Council. Members of the Tribunal are selected for their extensive experience, impartiality, and deep understanding of legal ethics. Their primary responsibility is to assess the evidence presented, conduct hearings, and issue decisions in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the legal profession in The Bahamas.

Proceedings and Outcomes

When a complaint is brought before the Disciplinary Tribunal, the process is thorough and transparent:

  • Hearings: The Tribunal conducts formal hearings where both the complainant and the respondent attorney can present evidence and testimony. The Tribunal may also call witnesses and request additional documentation as needed.
  • Deliberation: After hearing all relevant information, the Tribunal deliberates to determine whether the attorney has breached professional conduct standards. This process ensures that decisions are made based on a comprehensive understanding of the facts and applicable legal principles.
  • Decisions: Depending on the findings, the Tribunal may issue various sanctions, including reprimands, fines, suspension from practice, or, in the most severe cases, disbarment. All decisions are made in the best interest of upholding justice and maintaining public confidence in the legal profession.

Upholding Justice

The Disciplinary Tribunal is a vital safeguard within the legal community, ensuring that attorneys adhere to the highest ethical standards. By addressing serious misconduct with appropriate disciplinary measures, the Tribunal reinforces the trust placed in legal professionals by the public and preserves the honor of the legal profession.

Member Resources and Services

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Become A member

Membership in the Bahamas Bar Association is mandatory for attorneys practicing law in The Bahamas.

manager your membership

If you’re a member of the Bar and need to pay your dues or register for events, click here.

File a Complaint

Have a complaint about your attorney? Read this page to learn how to bring it to the Ethics Committee.

Kahlil D. Parker KC
President of The Bahamas Bar Association

Presidential Message

Welcome to The Bahamas Bar Association website. Our mission is to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and ethics within the legal community.

Here, our members will find valuable resources, updates, and support to aid their legal practices, and the public will find guidance and information to aid in navigating our regulatory functions.

We are committed to serving our members and the public by ensuring continued access to justice and preserving the rule of law.